Sage Leader
Sage leadership is the ability to lean into your composure to respond in situations that demand everything from us instead of reacting. High levels of uncertainty or feeling frozen and unable to resolve, never mind understand some events, is when a sage leader draws on their inner giftedness.
Practicing this ability, leading the conversation on how to respond to what looks impossible fascinates me and was at the core of why I founded the 7D workshops and processes.
Admitting to others you do not have all the answers can be empowering. This is about creating a space for everyone to be curious, to spark conversations where people willingly share what matters, and to be open to co-elevation by the sharing of insights and creative intuitions.
Clear the path - 2 to 4 hour session
The mind is a powerful link to your success. You can struggle or you can conquer. In each instance you are the master of your destiny. Recognize the limited thinking that prevents you from accomplishing your goals and becoming the best version of yourself. Who believes in you? Reconnect to your sage.
- Recognize your internal wisdom
- Reconnect to your deepest beliefs
- Eliminate your nagging fears
Uncommon Conversations - Gratitude and Forgiveness
- 2 to 4 hour session
Assessment of personality styles and communication processes that open the doors to understand yourself first and then those around you.
- Identify core strengths and competencies that will develop epic solutions.
- Foster deeper relationships with staff, fellow business leaders and all those in your circle.
- Reveal your impactful presence. Never compromise again.
- Gratitude and mindfulness and its place at work.
Sage Leader Nexus
This is not a program. This is a membership based, invitation only space which is available to those who wish to continue the mentorship and growth attained through other courses taken with 7DCEO.
Workshop Schedule
Our workshops can be one on one or for a group
Please contact us to setup dates that mesh with your schedule.